When it comes to creating a mobile-friendly website, businesses face several options: responsive design, dynamic serving, and dedicated mobile sites. Each approach has its own set of advantages and drawbacks. So, which one should you choose for your website? At KingAsterisk Digital Marketing, we delve into the details to help you make an informed decision. Each one of these options will play a role in enhancing your site’s mobile-friendly site capabilities and boosting your site’s UX.

Responsive Design

Did you know that Google recommends responsive design as the best practice for mobile web development?

The concept has existed for decades, but developers began truly recognizing the benefits of responsive web design during the mid-2000s as more consumers started using mobile devices. Responsive design ensures that your website adapts to any screen size, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. By adapting to various screen sizes, responsive design ensures aesthetic appeal and maintains content quality, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience. 

This technique uses fluid grids, flexible images, and CSS media queries to create a seamless user experience. The website should have the technology to automatically respond to the user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market. To make informed choices, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of responsive web design based on individual business considerations is essential.

Pros of Responsive Design

Single URL 

With responsive design, you maintain a single URL for both desktop and mobile sites, which simplifies your Mobile SEO efforts. If visitors must do a lot of zooming, shrinking and pinching their screens during their first visit, they’re likely to give up and try another website. You also must consider different input methods; your site should be easily navigable by scrolling or by swiping.


Access to content that is appropriately adapted on any device greatly improves the user experience. Users enjoy a consistent experience across all devices, improving overall mobile usability. It directly influences the SEO of a website, such as loading speed or dispensing with duplicating content in mobile versions. A better loading speed not only improves the user experience but also influences the improvement of web positioning.


Maintaining a separate mobile site requires additional testing and support. In contrast, the process of responsive design uses standardized testing methodologies to ensure optimal layout on every screen. It’s often cheaper to maintain a single responsive site rather than multiple versions. Having separate desktop and mobile sites also necessitates two content strategies, two administrative interfaces and potentially two design teams. Spending less time on maintenance also frees up time to focus on more important things like marketing and content creation.

Cons of Responsive Design

Performance Issues

The design relies on a single codebase for all devices, limiting the control over the mobile-specific design. Larger images and scripts can slow down mobile site speed. Responsive websites may experience slower loading times, especially on mobile devices with limited bandwidth. Deciding what content to display on smaller screens and how to prioritize it requires careful consideration. Customizing the user experience for different devices might be challenging. Mobile users may experience longer load times due to unnecessary content not optimized for their needs.


Developing a responsive design can be complex, requiring more extensive mobile site testing. Testing a responsive website across various devices and browsers can be time-consuming. Designing for desktop and then adapting to mobile can result in a less efficient user experience on mobile devices. Customizing the experience for mobile users may be limited compared to a dedicated mobile site or app. Especially for intricate or customized layouts. Ensuring consistency across various screen sizes may require additional effort. Implementing responsive design requires developers to learn new techniques and tools. Ensuring a consistent and optimized experience may require extensive testing efforts.

Dynamic Serving

Dynamic serving uses the same URL but different HTML and CSS depending on the device. The server detects the device type and serves the appropriate version. Dynamic rendering is a temporary workaround to allow search engine crawlers and social media crawlers to be able to access content even if they can’t render JavaScript. It provides different code segments to each device, but all on the same URL. They allow for personalized user experiences by displaying content tailored to individual preferences or demographics. It is easier to modify, letting you interfere solely on one screen size, leaving everything else unchanged. There is less confusion among users because of the single URL. And no need for complex interventions. Dynamic servicing is easier to optimize for search engines providing faster page load times. But you must have a competent IT staff to manage all the code requirements and content updates.

Pros of Dynamic Serving

Optimized Performance 

Dynamic websites are easy to edit, and that means you would not have to waste your valuable time and effort while making small changes in the interface. Pages can be optimized for each device, potentially improving mobile site performance. You can use various tools to help simplify the user’s experience and help them find what they are looking for more easily. This can include things like filters, categories, drop-down menus, and easy navigation. This design is ideal for those business organizations that are offering products or services that change with time.

SEO Benefits

A Content Management System (CMS) is a system that helps you manage your website designing content more efficiently. Since the URL remains the same, dynamic serving supports mobile SEO. With a CMS, you can improve your on page seo by installing plugins that will help you optimize your content for better search engine results and make it more user-friendly. A CMS typically has two components: a content management interface (CMI) and a content delivery interface (CDI). The CMI is used to create and edit content, while the CDI is used to publish the content to a website or digital platform.

Cons of Dynamic Serving

Higher Costs

Developing and maintaining different versions for various devices can be costly. Dynamic websites often struggle when there is a sudden surge of traffic because the servers can’t scale up quick enough. Even the hosting cost of these websites is very high. Also they are quite slow to process!

Detection Errors 

Although proper caching strategies can help with website speed, the user’s experience will be degraded by distance. If the server fails to detect the device correctly, users might get the wrong version, harming mobile usability. For JavaScript, you can use simple code (an if statement) embedded in the HTML to fetch different JS files. Your product goes viral on social media, but suddenly no one can access your website? Not good.

Dedicated Mobile Sites

A dedicated mobile site is a separate version of your website specifically designed for mobile devices. The most common implementation is for the mobile sites to add a prefix or suffix to the main domain (e.g. example.com becomes m.example.com) and users are automatically redirected to the mobile site if they access the website via a mobile device. It typically has an “m.” prefix in the URL (e.g., m.example.com).

Pros of Dedicated Mobile Sites

Tailored Experience 

You can create a completely customized user experience (UX) for mobile users. If you already have an existing website, a separate mobile-only site can often be built and launched quickly at fairly low expense. Separate mobile and desktop content with navigation customized for the mobile users. 


Dedicated mobile sites can be optimized for speed, enhancing mobile site conversion rates. Optimize and streamline the site for the mobile user experience. 

Cons of Dedicated Mobile Sites

SEO Challenges

Managing separate URLs can complicate mobile SEO and lead to potential duplicate content issues. Website design enhancement suggestions are well known for this. Additionally sharing content via virtual entertainment turns into an issue.


You’ll have two distinct arrangements of content to oversee and keep up with. It requires keeping two separate locales. This can inflate expenses and exertion for your business. Mobile users will be redirected to the optimized view, and vice versa, adding additional page load time. 

Making the Right Choice

Choosing between responsive design, dynamic serving, and dedicated mobile sites depends on your specific needs and resources. Performance optimization (meaning weight and speed) is simple and highly efficient this way.

  • In the event that you need a savvy and steady client experience, a responsive design is much of the time the most ideal decision. 
  • Assuming that exhibition and streamlining for various gadgets are your first concerns, dynamic serving may be the best approach. 
  • On the off chance that you really want a customized portable encounter and have the assets to keep up with it, a devoted versatile site could be great.

Fact: Mobile web traffic now accounts for more than half of all internet traffic worldwide. This underscores the importance of a robust mobile site strategy.


We can implement the right technology and analytics for your business. KingAsterisk Digital Marketing understands the complexities of mobile web development and are here to help you choose the best approach for your business. 

We will put on mobile sites and we have implemented all types of mobile websites mentioned in this article. A few examples for each type are

  • Blacksmith India
  • HR – Neelkanth Chemical
  • Blossom Spoken English Institute
  • Factory Outlet  Bruce wayne

While it’s easy to assume that the benefits of responsive web design have all been hammered out, we are probably still in the field’s infancy. We will set up tracking tags across all online activity and create a content strategy for all customer touchpoints that drive the prospects towards the final conversion.