Both Facebook and Google are powerful platforms that receive countless visitors. Because of the ease of finding new products and services online — and comparing them — you face greater competition from other brands than ever before. Every kind of business can benefit from one of these platforms in some way. When it comes to digital marketing, choosing the right platform for your ads can be challenging. Google Ads and Facebook Ads are two of the most powerful online advertising tools available. The main difference between these two platforms is how products/services are shown to consumers. But which one is better for your business? Let’s dive into the details and find out.

Understanding Google Ads

Google Ads appear across Google search results and millions of Google partner websites. It is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Ad Extensions allow you to supplement your ad with additional information at no extra cost. It allows businesses to display ads on Google’s search engine results pages, YouTube, and other sites within the Google Display Network. That means you pay a certain price every time a user clicks on your ad, or whatever your goal action is. This means your ads can reach a vast audience through search, display, and video ads.

For beginners, I recommend setting your daily budget and letting Google optimize your individual ad bidding. It’s easier and often yields more effective and economical results. Search ads are the most basic Google Ads format and every brand can benefit from using them. The higher your bid, the better your placement. You have three options for bidding: CPC, CPM, or CPE

Key Features of Google Ads 

Search Ads: Appear at the top of Google search results.

Display Ads: Banner ads shown on websites within Google’s network.

Video Ads: Ads played on YouTube.

Targeted Advertising: Focus on specific keywords, demographics, and user behavior.

Exploring Facebook Ads

For those looking to gain an edge in online advertising, there is no better place to start than Facebook advertising. Facebook Ads operates within the realm of social media advertising. It enables businesses to create ad campaigns that appear on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network. The nature and appeal of Facebook advertising lies both in its large customer base and how it is designed to appeal to the casual viewer. 

Lead ads can be valuable for collecting subscriptions or signing individuals up for a product trial. The platform is known for its advanced targeting options, leveraging user data to create highly personalized ads. Where you can engage in Etsy-like peer-to-peer selling without the fees. Where you can retarget users who landed on your site with similar products to what they viewed. Here, Facebook uses an algorithm to pull the products from your feed with the highest engagement.

Key Features of Facebook Ads 

Social Media Ads: Displayed on Facebook and Instagram feeds, stories, and more.

Video Ads: Engage users with video content.

Sponsored Content: Blend seamlessly into the user’s feed.

Targeted Advertising: Utilize detailed demographic and behavioral data.

Comparing Ad Reach and Engagement

Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer extensive reach, but they operate differently. These ads drive searchers to landing pages where they can claim an offer relevant to their solution. Google Ads focuses on users actively searching for specific information. Where you choose to allocate your budget may depend on the industry you’re in. In contrast, Facebook Ads targets users based on interests and behaviors, capturing their attention while they browse social media. Where the funnel starts to shrink in size is where prospects begin to eliminate options within the same category of product or service. The bottom of your funnel is where prospects make a decision to purchase your product or go with another.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day? That’s a lot of potential ad impressions!

Cost and ROI

Google Ads is known to draw high-value traffic in select business spheres. Cost is a crucial factor in any advertising decision. And less competition translates to lower CPC. Google Ads typically charges per click (PPC), meaning you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. Even if you have a lower CPC, you might not be driving the right kind of traffic for your brand. Facebook Ads can charge based on impressions (CPM) or clicks (CPC), giving you flexibility in how you budget. However, that doesn’t mean that you are directly going for a sale with each ad. Each ad or campaign plays a unique role in the process and there are smaller goals along the way. 

Targeting Options

Both Google and Facebook Ads give you options for targeting (and retargeting) specific audiences. Google Ads targets keywords and search queries, making it ideal for capturing users with high purchase intent. Facebook Ads uses advanced targeting options, allowing you to reach users based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. Facebook allows you to create audiences based on an extensive list of interests and behaviors. Facebook is the hands-down winner for advanced targeting options e.g lookalike audiences. 

Target smarter, not harder!

Ad Formats

The variety of ad formats available can also influence your decision. Google Ads offers text ads, display ads, video ads, and more. Facebook Ads provides image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored content, making it versatile for different types of ad campaigns. On Google, you’re stuck with a block of text. There is undoubtedly more creativity allowed with ad and media types on Facebook. So if your product is very image-based, use Facebook to capture initial attention and awareness. 

Measuring Success

What works for one industry may not work as effectively for another. Tracking and reporting your Ads metrics is an essential part of any campaigns. Measuring the success of your ad campaigns is crucial. For instance, a law firm will have a different approach than that of a gourmet restaurant. Both platforms provide robust analytics. Google Ads offers detailed insights into clicks, conversions, and keyword performance. Facebook Ads gives you access to metrics like engagement, reach, and ad clicks. Engagement rates are a much stronger KPI for a top-of-funnel content promotion campaign. This result metric counts how many total form submissions occurred.

These are 

  • Performance Metrics
  • Delivery Metrics
  • Engagement Metrics

Final Thoughts

So, which is better: Google Ads or Facebook Ads? The answer lies in your business needs and marketing goals. If you’re looking to capture users with high intent through search queries, Google Ads might be your best bet. The specific result of your campaign is tracking will change depending on what you set as your target. If you want to engage users on social media and leverage detailed targeting, Facebook Ads could be the way to go.

Invest in the right ads, and watch your business grow!

A lot of work goes into developing a marketing strategy. Facebook and Google can work powerfully together, especially when it comes to remarketing. Understanding and analyzing how customers move and operate is important for converting leads. Don’t know how to get started with social media marketing? KingAsterisk Digital Marketing recommends starting with remarketing on both networks. We specialize in creating effective ad campaigns tailored to your business needs. Investing in online marketing ensures that everything is optimized for the highest amount of conversions. Online channels allow you to follow the entire buying journey of your customers.

Ready to boost your business with targeted advertising? Contact us today to get started!