Did you know that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information?

As a local business owner, you’ve probably heard about the importance of having a Google Business profile. But did you know that optimizing multiple locations on your profile can enhance your online presence? Yes, it does. But how? And can you do it yourself or you need a help? I’m sure there are so many questions running in your mind and I am here to clear them all. At KingAsterisk Digital Marketing, we specialize in helping businesses like yours make the most of their Google Business accounts. Or simply said, even we help businesses to become brands! 

So today, I will try to make you understand what Google My Business is, how your profile can be made and optimized. So that your business performance can reach a peak. Even if you find the process a little confusing, KingAsterisk Digital will make it easy-peasy for you!

What is Google Business?

Google Business (formerly known as Google My Business) is a free tool that lets you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. This is its simple one line info. By optimizing your profile, you ensure that your business appears prominently when potential customers search for services you offer. From your business name, location, and hours to monitoring and responding to customer reviews, Google Business is your digital storefront.

Why Is It Important To Optimize Your Google Business Profile?

Now the question arises is why am I pushing you for optimization? And what is this optimization? Why is it needed to do much for your brand? I will explain everything in this blog. Advancing your Google Business profile is fundamental for neighborhood organizations planning to improve their internet based perceivability and gain additional clients. Organizations with complete profiles are two times as prone to acquire client trust. What’s more, this has been demonstrated in a wide range of overviews done. 

1. Boost Local SEO 

Optimizing your Google Business profile is essential for improving your local SEO. Yes, that’s correct. What I mean is that your business will show up more prominently in local search results, helping potential customers find you easily. A well-optimized profile ensures your business appears in local search results and on Google Maps, making it easier for local customers to find you.

2. Increase Visibility on Google Maps

A well-optimized Google Maps listing ensures that customers can find you when they search for local services. And this is simply termed as increasing the visibility of your business. This is especially crucial for businesses with multiple locations. By providing accurate information such as your business location, hours, and contact details, you make it easier for potential customers to reach out.

3. Enhance Your Business Profile on Google 

By updating and maintaining your Google Business profile, you present a professional and trustworthy image to potential customers. Positive reviews on your profile can significantly influence customer decisions. Regularly updating your profile with new reviews enhances your credibility. The Google Business dashboard offers insights into how customers find and interact with your profile. This data is invaluable for refining your marketing strategies. You can use this information as per your needs or business requirements. 

Benefits of Optimizing Multiple Locations

Have you ever searched for a service and instantly found multiple options with directions, hours, and reviews?  

I know the answer. So now I will be telling you what the benefit of optimizing multiple locations brings for businesses. I’m sure you know about your thought process but let us understand it through a business perspective. Or we can say a Brand’s POV. 

1. Improved Local Business Visibility

By optimizing multiple locations, each branch of your business can appear in local search results. Each location you optimize on Google Business will have a higher chance of appearing in local searches specific to that area. Google’s algorithm favors businesses with well-maintained and accurate profiles. This can significantly increase your reach and attract more local customers. This means when potential customers search for services in their area, your business is more likely to appear at the top. Regular updates and accurate information improve your local SEO, leading to higher rankings.

2. Better Google Business Rankings 

Maintain consistency in your branding. Use the same logos, colors, and tone of voice to build a strong, recognizable brand. Google favors businesses that provide accurate, comprehensive, and regularly updated information. By optimizing multiple locations, you improve your chances of ranking higher in search results. Ensure each location is listed under the correct categories. This helps Google understand your business growth and match it with relevant searches.

3. Google Business Insights 

Use the insights dashboard to understand how customers interact with your business. Managing multiple locations on Google Business allows you to access detailed insights for each location. Track views, searches, and actions taken on your profile. This data can help you understand customer behavior, peak times, and how customers are interacting with your business. Manage all your locations from a single dashboard. This centralized control makes it easier to update information, post updates, and respond to reviews.

How to Optimize Your Google Business Profile for Multiple Locations? 

Managing multiple business locations can be challenging, especially when it comes to maintaining a consistent online presence. But Worry Not! KingAsterisk Digital Marketing is here for you 24/7. I will explain the entire process step-by-step for your better understanding. 

Step 1: Setup and Verification

Start by creating a Google Business account for each location. A strong presence on Google My Business (GMB) also enhances your credibility and helps you engage with your community through reviews and updates. Ensure each profile is verified to establish credibility. Follow the verification process for each location to enhance trustworthiness. Keep your business hours updated, especially during holidays or special events. Accurate Google hours ensure that customers know when they can visit each location.

Step 2: Consistent and Accurate Information

Each business location should have its own distinct Google Business profile. Keep your business hours up to date for each location. This allows you to tailor information specific to each location, enhancing local relevance. Select the most relevant categories for your business to ensure it appears in the right searches. Regularly update your profile with posts about promotions, events, or news. Use the Google Business dashboard to manage multiple listings efficiently. This keeps your audience engaged and informed. Use Google updates to highlight new products or services specific to each location.

Step 3: Engaging Content

Ensure that the name, address, and phone number (NAP) of each location are accurate and match across all online platforms. Upload high-quality photos of each location. This helps potential customers see what to expect. Regularly post updates, offers, and news to engage with your audience. Analyze metrics such as search queries, customer actions, and photo views to refine your GMB optimization strategy. Keep your information fresh and relevant by updating your profile regularly. 

Step 4: Monitor and Respond

Each location should have a unique, detailed business description. Because in the digital world only uniqueness and detailing will survive. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and you have to respond to them. 


Now that we are at the end of this blog I only have a few things to say. Don’t let your business go unnoticed. You should start optimizing Google Business today and see the difference it makes! Be it branding, visibility, sales, leads, everything you will feel like improving. At KingAsterisk Digital Marketing is dedicated to helping businesses grow through effective marketing strategies. Can I say one best thing? You can have a one on one consultation with our experts and they will suggest what’s best suited for your company.